Jamum Powder

Supporting blood sugar levels to boosting overall health, this superfruit Jamun powder is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

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Liquorice / Jethimadh Root Powder

Relief from colds, coughs, and respiratory tract infections. Remedy can soothe inflammation, reduce phlegm, and promote healing in your respiratory system.

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Ayumi Safed Moosli Powder

Known for its vitality and vigour-boosting properties, with antioxidants, vitamins, and aphrodisiac effects, Safed Moosli promotes better digestion, stronger immunity, and improved hormonal balance.

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Hesh Trikatu Churna Powder

This unique blend of Ayurvedic ingredients improves digestion and enhances overall health. Trikatu for digestive health and overall well-being.

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